"Thanos is a mutant member of the race of superhumans known as the Titanian Eternals. The character possesses abilities common to the Eternals, but in some cases far beyond any other known member of his race; acquired through a combination of his mutant Eternal heritage, bionic amplification, mysticism, and the entity Death. He has demonstrated enormous superhuman strength, stamina, and particularly durability; is able to absorb and project vast quantities of cosmic energy, enough to obliterate planets; is virtually ageless and immortal; does not need food, drink, or oxygen; and is capable of certain telekinesis, as well as telepathy and matter manipulation. The advanced technology within his transportation chairs includes force field projection, time travel, movement through alternate universes, space flight, and teleportation over interstellar distances. Thanos is an accomplished hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained in the art of war on Titan."
If I would have to make my own universe... I'd hire this guy to.. Well destroy the human race... And other living things. Space is huge, but sort of empty. All of the events have to be catastrophically gigantic.
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